MIT' Students

Posttoday Monday May 21st 2018, Year 16, Vol. 5583

Looking Forward to Thailand’s Destiny; MIT’s Students

Prof.Dr. Suchatvee Suwansawat, the Speaker of the Council University President of Thailand

MIT’s Students

Starting the week of hope when Ink, little girl of only 14 while studying the 2nd year of Computer Innovation (International) Department, Faculty of Engineering, KMITL, comes to tell that she is going to further her degree at MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, like the dean did. It means that it should be possible that Ink may success Ph.D. at only 22, such her far vision must be of hopeful Thailand’s destiny.

Many MIT’s alumni have been seen many times, for example, at the Startup Thailand program. Some conversations with the MIT’s alumni leaving from USA for working in Thailand have been done. They respond the answer that learning at MIT must cope with many harder complex homework both in class and after class because each homework was so tough and causes serious headache, more and more textbooks must be read to find out each solution. For Thai study style, it must be rather hard to follow such the way of study because Thai universities have to admit too many students and must be rather hard for lecturers to cope and correct such many homework. MIT has about 2000 instructors while having only 4500 bachelor students, at the class ratio of about 1 to 3; it will not be hard for their homework approval.

MIT’s students have always been offered to cope with research ways since the first year of their studies and they were able to be skillful learners of practical vision discovery without giving up, MIT’s students also had the idea to corporately manage cuisine restaurant in Boston and had their robot cooked the recipes of a la carte advisorily designed by top Michelin star chefs; applying robot engineering and computer science together with food science and arts globally interested. Such the outlook of MIT came from introductory early being researcher of the MIT first year students. Now, MIT’s competency can practically cope the marvelous research of human cloning from human’s skin without relying on the way of natural birth. Such the marvelous one must really surprise the social and the world.

What is the major factor making MIT’s students become brilliant inventors of 89 Nobel Prizes achievers, the first rank of the word. They also are CEOs (Chief Executive Director), MD (Managing Director), or owners of more than 30000 companies producing more than 2 million million dollars a year as much as the national capital of England. Moreover, MIT’s products could offer more than 3 million positions of jobs provided, the first Apollo 11 astronaut moonwalking and MIT alumnus Buzz Aldrin (PhD 1963) (, stepping on the moon, the globally famous scientist, Richard Feynman, the globally famous educational revolutioner, Salman Khan, founder of Khan Academy to socially provide free clips for e-learning worldwide.  (

How strange the MIT is! Small but globally big, MIT is smaller than many of Thailand’s but they can produce great students to the world. Believe it or not that most of MIT’s students live the life of middle class, they are not so rich and they are from varieties of races. It could show that MIT’s educational management is professional to transform many kinds of students to be marvelous educated products.  

The environment of MIT is not mentioned to have beautiful modern buildings. Lecturers still have their old lecturing style of chalk and blackboard. The mention of MIT must be the style of “inspiration” completely fulfilled with peak determination of doing to the top of the peak and it returned to be MIT’s organizational culture. Compared to that of Thailand’s, it’s always too far beyond the truth; some may have very beautiful buildings with modern classrooms and high-tech computer services for all students but this is only objectivism, it is not spiritism because something important has been gone; the spirit to reach the top of peak has been disappeared; it is only studying for approved scores not for solving of skeptical solutions. That’s the ways the MIT’s are!

Note: KMITL's President @MIT

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