"Awesome KMITL’s Alumni Awarded 2 Gold Medals from the World Choir Games”

KMITL congratulates all the 5 alumni representatives; Miss Sasinapa Kasipon, Miss Naruemon Kunta, Mr. Ajjanapat Mahawe, Mr. Montol Kongwiset, and Action Sub.Lt. Natakorn Suntornworajan.

      The  KMITL’s alumni representatives from the KMITL Chorus Club joined the 10th World Choir Games 2018 in Tshwane, South Africa, on July 10-14, 2018, on behalf of the Thai Youth Choir (TYC), Department of Cultural Promotion, Ministry of Culture.  The champions competition award was two gold medals from the Category C21-Spiritual (the colored race spiritual chorus, 89.13 points), and the Category C8-Mixed Chamber Choirs (miniature mixed chorus, 90.13 points). Both categories conducted by the conductor Atichai Tragoondet

      From web site of Entertainment News of  Workpoint, the news presented an admirable headline to the Thai youth TYC awarded of the two gold medals from the championship competition of the 10th World Choir Games 2018, in South Africa, being awarded out of 292 choirs from 46 countries with more than 15,000 competition singers. More details have been described as followings;

      Culture Minister Veera Rojpojanarat said that it was reported that from the case of the Ministry of Culture under being controlled of Department of Cultural Promotion  led the Thai Youth Choir (TYC) to compete in the 10th World Choir  Games 2018, Tshwane, South Africa, 8-16 July 2018, it was the nationwide pleasure  for the Thai youths to show their musical potential and could win two gold medals from two choir competitions, Medium Mixed Chamber Choirs of both women’s and men's voices, and the Spiritual or religious songs of the colored race.

     Culture Minister Veera Rojpojanarat further stated that for the World Choir Games, it would be held every 2 years each. It was one of the most famous choral performances in the world. For the one in 2018, it was the world's largest choir competition with 292 choirs from 46 countries with over 15,000 competition singers.

      Importantly,  it was the first year when the Thai Youth Choir took  both female and male members to join the choir competition completely in all   four categories of the choir competition; soprano, alto, tenor, and bass (SATB Choir); and they could be successfully awarded and took the two gold medals from the 10th World Choir Games 2018 to the Thai pride.

      In addition, General Prayut Chan-Ocha, the Prime Minister, was informed of the results of the world choir competition when the Thai Youth Choir could win the two gold medals from the world choral singing competition. The General also admired the youths. "It's great, encourage all Thai youths" and congratulated and pleased with the efforts of the Thai Youth Choir that could show the proven talent to be internationally recognized. And he thanked the related conductor of the rehearsal and musicians, and the youths able to work together to create international recognition for their musical talents. 

      From the press release. it shows that the talent of the alumni of King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) is never inferior to that of any nation. KMITL proudly congratulates and pleases with the talent success, and wish all alumni the great successful lives in their fields of studies. And thanks for the efforts and successes of good examples to all KMITL’s students.


Compiled by : Sidarat,

Thanks to Entertainment news at https://workpointnews.com, and  Google.com



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